Knappett Industries constructed a waterfront garden space to celebrate the Rotary’s 100th anniversary in Nanaimo

The location at the north east corner of Maffeo Sutton park was transformed into a public garden inspired by the work and values of Rotary. These included:

-promoting peace
-fighting disease
-providing clean water, sanitation and hygiene
-supporting mothers and children
-supporting education
-growing the local economies

The garden is inspired by the location – the shoreline. Its design will emulate the waves and ripples of the ocean, the logs that roll up on shore and the vegetation that grows along the beach edges. The design also incorporates plants and materials to reflect the intertidal coastline of Nanaimo.

■ Work near waterways
■ Public/Urban Impact Management
■ Concrete Work

VALUE: $290,000
START DATE: March, 2020 END DATE: July, 2020

OWNER: City of Nanaimo