The Town has invested heavily in the Memorial Avenue corridor over the years to bring it to a high standard of beautification and functionality. The full scope of improvements have included a rain garden at the intersection of Crescent Road and Memorial Avenue, undergrounding of utilities, a separated multi-use pathway, a functional roundabout, coastal protection and a restored Beach Creek estuary.
The work includes installation of an observation deck made of concrete panels on steel girders and piles, as well as some additional rock enhancements to the existing coastal spit and associated works.
■ Road Building Work
■ Curb and Sidewalk
■ Intersection Work
■ Traffic Management
■ Public/Urban Impact Management
■ Work near or in Waterways
VALUE: $2,493,051
LOCATION: Qualicum, BC
START DATE: June, 2023 END DATE: March, 2023
OWNER: Town of Qualicum Beach