The City of Nanaimo planned a new Skatepark at the Harewood Centennial Park. The new park received strong support from community partners including the Harewood Neighborhood Association and the Nanaimo Skateboard Association who have raised funds for the project. The construction of the park was awarded to Knappett Industries (2006) Ltd. It consists of a street style plaza, and a kidney shaped bowl.

The final design of the skate park features two main areas:

Street Style Plaza – complete with eight types of facilities (descending taco with roll ends, big three block gap with up ledge-bank and up gap, turnarounds with drop in banks, start sets with hubba ledges and rails, banked hips, wedge to wedges, manula pads without ledges, and long flatrails).

Kidney-shaped bowl and slappy wall with down rails.
The entire Park will be concrete with integrated public art. The artistic elements will reflect the unique Chase River setting via paving patterns and skate-able features.

■ Earthwork
■ Public/Urban Impact Management
■ Concrete Work

VALUE: $538,000
START DATE: November, 2019 END DATE: June, 2020

OWNER: City of Nanaimo